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Book Project


Girard, TylerFinancial Inclusion: How an Idea Became a Global Agenda (Under Review) 



Peer-Reviewed Articles


Girard, Tyler, Andrea Lawlor, and Erin Hannah. "Identity Politics and Trade Preferences: How the Gendered and Racialized Effects of Trade Matter." Conditional Accept, Review of International Political Economy


Girard, Tyler and Alex Wilhelm. "Local Data Policies, Global Data Politics: How Citizens Evaluate Data Localization Policies and Political Responses." Forthcoming, Foreign Policy Analysis .


Girard, Tyler. 2024. "National Identity and the Limits of Platform Power in the Global Economy". International Studies Quarterly 68(3): 1-15.



Spicer, Zac, Tyler Girard, Jen Nelles, and Christopher Alcantara. 2024. "Measuring Accountability in Interlocal Agreements between
Indigenous and Local Governments." Governance 37(2): 643-658.



Biswas Mellamphy, Nandita, Tyler Girard, and Anne Campbell. 2023. "Interpreting Crises Through Narratives: The Construction of a COVID-19 Policy Narrative by Canada’s Political Parties." Critical Policy Studies 17(1): 142-161. DOI:


Lawlor, Andrea, Tyler Girard, Philippe Wodnicki, and Miranda Goode. 2023. "Crisis Management: Personal Financial Well-Being and Public Attitudes Toward Government Intervention." International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 43(9/10): 777-794.



Girard, Tyler. 2022. "Participatory Ambiguity and the Emergence of the Global Financial Inclusion Agenda." Review of International Political Economy 29(5): 1698-1722. 



     Winner of the ISA-Canada Best Graduate Student Paper Award, International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Conference 2019


Girard, Tyler. 2021. "Reconciling the Theoretical and Empirical Study of International Norms: A New Approach to Measurement." American Political Science Review 115(1): 331-338.



Girard, Tyler. 2021. "When Bribery is Considered an Economic Necessity: Facilitation Payments, Norm Translation, and the Role of Cognitive Beliefs." International Studies Perspectives 22(1): 65-83.



Girard, Tyler. 2020. "Bank Accounts for All: How Does Financial Regulation Matter?" Journal of International Development 32(5): 793-818.




Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Arnold, Zachary, Daniel S. Schiff, Kaylyn Jackson Schiff, Brian Love, Jennifer Melot, Niharika Singh, Lindsay Jenkins, Ashley Lin, Konstantin Pilz, Ogadinma Enweareazu, and Tyler Girard. "Introducing the AI Governance and Regulatory Archive (AGORA): An Analytic Infrastructure for Navigating the Emerging AI Governance Landscape." Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society 7: 39-48.​​
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
Girard, Tyler. "The International Political Economy of Digital Technology." In Erin Hannah and John Ravenhill (Eds.), Global Political Economy, 7th Edition. Oxford University Press. 



Manuscripts Submitted for Review


​Girard, Tyler and Nicole McMahon. "Theorizing Norm Stagnation and the Evolution of Domestic Norm Adoption." Revise & Resubmit, International Studies Quarterly (Manuscript available upon request)


​Romualdi, Tyler, Mathieu Turgeon, Tyler Girard, Yannick Dufresne, Takeshi Iida, and Tetsuya Matsubayashi. "The Multidimensional Structure of Risk: How Dread and Control Shape Perceptions Toward Artificial Intelligence." Revise & Resubmit, Journal of Risk Research (Manuscript available upon request)



Working Papers


Girard, Tyler and Andrea Lawlor. "Gender, Descriptive Representation, and the Legitimacy of International Organizations." (Manuscript available upon request)


Girard, Tyler, Erin Hannah, and James Scott. "The Boundary Politics of International Organizations in Global Trade Governance." (Manuscript available upon request)


Girard, Tyler, Jozef Rivest, Mathieu Turgeon, Yannick Dufresne, Takeshi Iida, and Tetsuya Matsubayashi. "Public Support for Emerging Military Technology Development in Middle Powers." (Manuscript available upon request)


Girard, Tyler and Erin Hannah. "I Don't Cook, I'm No Maid, But Let Me Tell You My Thoughts On Trade: Gender, Social Reproduction, and Trade Preferences." (Manuscript available upon request)


Girard, Tyler and Erin Hannah. "Brogrammers, Secretaries, and Political Responses to the Gendered Effects of Digital Offshoring." 


Déry, Axel, Mathieu Turgeon, Tyler Girard, Yannick Dufresne, Takeshi Iida, and Tetsuya Matsubayashi. "Do Alternative Rationales for Automation Affect Public Support for State Intervention? Experimental Evidence from Canada and Japan."​



Works in Progress


Bernard, Mazie, Tyler Girard, Erin Hannah, and James Scott. "Agenda-Setting at the World Trade Organization."

Girard, Tyler, Mitushi Mukherjee, Logan Strother, and Daniel Bennett. "The Universality of Human Rights in the Mass Public."


Bernard, Mazie, Jason Berteotti, and Tyler Girard. "Bad Reputation: The Domestic Costs of Bargaining with Unreliable Foreign Leaders.”


Girard, Tyler and Quynh-Anh Nguyen. "Beyond Negotiations: How International Organizations Enact Their Power Through Public Events."


Schiff, Daniel S., Kaylyn Jackson Schiff, Tyler Girard, Alexander Wilhelm. "Certifying Trust: The Influence of Ethics Audits on Public Trust in AI."


Ogadinma, Enwereazu, Kaylyn Jackson Schiff, Daniel S. Schiff, Tyler Girard, Alexander Wilhelm. "A Policy Typology and Public Value Framework for AI Governance."



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