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Purdue University

Cornerstone Program: Digital Technology and Power (Undergraduate)

Spring 2023, Spring 2024, Summer 2024

As part of the Cornerstone Integrated Liberal Arts program, this course develops students' oral communication skills while engaging with transformative texts. The course is organized around the theme of "Digital Technology and Power", combining classic texts (Animal Farm, Brave New World) with contemporary reflections on the impacts of digital technologies (Blockchain Chicken Farm, Invisible Women).

Money, Machines, and Modern Empire (Undergraduate)

Spring 2024, Fall 2024

This course introduces students to the many ways the digital economy intersects with global governance, trade, and finance. By connecting these changes with our everyday lives, the course will unpack the uneven effects of the digital economy across the world.

International Relations Among Rich and Poor Nations (Undergraduate)

Spring 2025

This course serves as an introduction to the study of international political economy. It aims to help students develop the necessary foundational knowledge and analytical tools to engage with important contemporary issues and debates. This course assumes students have no prior exposure to political science or economics. 

Qualitative Research Methods (Graduate)

Spring 2025

This course integrates multidisciplinary scholarship on qualitative methods to enable graduate students to effectively produce and engage with qualitative research.

Political Economy (Graduate)

Fall 2022, Fall 2024

This course draws on literature in both comparative and international political economy to equip graduate students with the core knowledge needed to engage with contemporary debates in the field and plan their own research projects.

King's University College

Research Methods (Undergraduate)

Winter 2021

The purpose of this course is to deepen students' understanding of the basic concepts and techniques of empirical research in political science. It develops students' knowledge of how to ask research questions about politics, gather and assess different types of evidence, and consider the opportunities and challenges associated with different types of empirical research.

Data Management and Visualization (Undergraduate)

Spring 2020

This course introduces senior undergraduate students to the use and construction of quantitative data in political science while also developing applied skills in R. It surveys and critically engages with quantitative data across a variety of substantive areas, including international conflict and trade, comparative political regimes, and gender and political representation.

International Political Economy (Undergraduate)

Fall/Winter 2018-2019, Fall/Winter 2019-2020

The purpose of this yearlong course is to introduce senior undergraduate students to the study of the international political economy. It couples a theoretical and empirical examination of the international political economy with hands on, practical engagement with critical negotiations and issues.

The University of Western Ontario

Research Methods (Undergraduate)

Spring 2019

The purpose of this course is to introduce undergraduate students to research design and the use of quantitative and qualitative methods in political science. It uses an inverted class structure to facilitate direct experience with a range of research methods.

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